Harassment and Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is probably the most common form of harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment occurs even if the intent is not to have sex with you.

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There a two types of sexual harassment:

  • Quid pro quo
  • Hostile work environment harassment.

Quid pro quo occurs when an employee, supervisor, manager or owner offers some type of employment benefit in exchange for sexual favors or dating. Hostile work environment sexual harassment occurs when something is said to you of a sexual nature, you’re touched (massages, hugs or kisses) or treated in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable like comments on your body or physique or how you look or questioning you about your sex, social life or marital status.

Harassment can also occur on the basis of your age, religion, a disability, gender, sexual preference or other protected reasons. If you believe that workplace harassment based on these protected categories is beginning to interfere with the performance of your job, i.e. stress, poor concentration, lack of focus, anxiety or other problems, you must call our office right away. Usually harassment and wrongful termination go together.


Must Prevalent Cases: Wrongful termination. Highly Prevalent Cases: Discrimination. Reasonable Accommodation. Harassment and Sexual Harassment.

Wrongful termination
Discrimination, Reasonable Accommodation
Harassment and Sexual Harassment

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